What is a First Look & is it Right for Us?


So many of my couples have chosen to do A First Look as part of their wedding day- I would say just about 2/3 of my couples have said yes to this, and I understand why you’re on the fence about this part of your day since it’s so non-traditional. What if he/she doesn’t react the way I’m thinking? Will walking down the aisle have the same effect? How will this affect our timeline? These are all popular questions that I’m asked whenever I discuss this with my couples, and of course for good reasons.

What is a First Look?

A First Look is such an intimate part of your day where you both step away from the crowds of people who you might be experiencing that day with to share a simple and breath-taking 15-20 minute moment with each other. Of course you can have family or friends there, no need to worry about bending the rules on your wedding day!

An insight to my own wedding day

I chose not to have a First Look on my wedding day 3 years ago. If I could go back and do it all over again I would change that in a heartbeat. Why? I was so nervous to walk out in front of all those people. Plus, everyone was expecting so much from Drew. I felt like it was a show for everyone, instead of enjoying each other there was too much pressure on Drew. He ended up not really reacting at all since he was trying to keep his composure.

Why I love A First Look so much

When my couples decide to do a First Look, the reaction from their partners are overwhelming. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t cried at a few of my clients weddings just from this moment alone! How does that affect the reaction from your bride/groom when it’s time to walk down the aisle, though? In my experience- they’re more relaxed. This isn’t the do or die moment for them, and they can appreciate you (and maybe even cry) now that they aren’t so focused on reacting ‘the right way’.

What about my Timeline?

This will change your timeline- and that’s okay! Timelines are fluid, and there is no 1 standard way of doing them. This would require a bit more time in the beginning of your day. Or just moving the ceremony time to a bit later (depending on your current timeline). Does that stress you out? Let me help you by looking over your timeline and suggesting how to go about it from a professional standpoint! Sometimes not much has to change at all.

I hope that this answered a few of your questions regarding First Looks!

Don’t be fooled! A First Look can be a special moment between Father & Daughter as well as the couple!

Planning Your Wedding?

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